Monday, October 25, 2010

America: Land of the Free?

America: Land of the Free? Review

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America: Land of the Free? Feature

This Is Not Your Founding Fathers’ United States

Today’s politicians are doing their best to break down the foundations of our once-great nation—the Constitution and the Bill of Rights—and to make us completely reliant on the government in the process. They legislate morality and pander to the supposedly needy few while the majority suffers in silence, watching their rights disappear. Why do we not speak up?

The answers are simple: Fear. Complacency. Maybe even amnesia. Thanks to the twisted propaganda of the liberal media, we have forgotten that our government is not supposed to be our babysitter. It was never intended that government would fund our retirements, provide our medical care or give us money to feed our children.

In America: Land of the Free? Bilzerian examines the rights that the US Constitution—in its original, intended form—guarantees citizens and the ways in which those rights are being systematically destroyed. From excessive debt to Social Security, from robber barons to immigrants, from overpopulation to death and dying, no hot-button topic is safe from Bilzerian’s scrutiny as he argues for limited government and freedom from tyranny.

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